Custom Acoustic Solutions

Looking to bring your product ideas to the market? With our team of acousticians, industrial designers, color technicians, and furniture application specialists, we have the process and expertise to transform your ideas into unique solutions to fit any environment.

We offer custom acoustic solutions made with sustainable materials in local production facilities. Choose EzoBord as your new creative partner.


Our team of experts is ready to start bringing your products to life.
Just fill out the form below and we’ll get in touch to start making your ideas a reality. 

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Summit Assinboine

Summit Assinboine

Summit three sister custom acoustic panel

Summit three sister

Summit Sulphur

Summit Sulphur

Summit Sulphur

Summit Sulphur

Summit Sulphur

Summit Sulphur

New Product Development

Would you like us to develop a solution for a product or build custom acoustic panels for a project you are working on?

We would love to collaborate. Please email us at